Requirements to play in Hex RP

  • As a primarily 18+ server, a certain level of mental maturity and common sense is expected. 

  • A working microphone is required to play. 

  • If a player is breaking server rules during a scene try your best to finish the scene before making a report. Please take a clip of what has happened and open a ticket in discord. The admin team will deal with the issue.

  • Do not abuse the /report system. This is to request staff assistance in the game. Do not use /report for anything that can be resolved in character or with the Police. 

  • This isn't GTA online, this is a roleplay server. Have a reason to start a fight with someone dont just go around shooting people.

  • Green Zones Green Zones are places you can NOT Commit crime In. This Includes but is not limited to killing, robbing Etc. You also may NOT Run to Green Zones for safety to avoid RP. We encourage you to use proper RP to escape situations. If you are caught doing these things, The Admin team will be forced to take appropriate action.

Current Green Zone areas are:

All hospitals are considered green zones.

Behavioral requirements of HEX RP

  • Toxic behavior including breeding hostility towards individuals is strictly prohibited, In City or Discord. Activities performed for no other purpose than to cause mayhem is considered toxicity.

  • Discrimination, racism, forced sexual RP, Suicide RP, miscarriage RP and homophobic comments are not tolerated here. These types of RP affect people differently for different reasons.

  • A little swearing is okay. Screaming over your mic and name-calling is NOT. These actions will be dealt with accordingly.

  • If someone asks you to stop a certain RP that makes the person uncomfortable, such as flirtatious behavior, you should stop doing it. Something that is just good fun on your part might be very uncomfortable for the other party.

Staying in character

  • You must stay in character at all times, even if a situation involves rule breaking or others breaking character. Wait for the situation to end before submitting a clip on discord. Calling out others for FailRP is FailRP in itself. 

  • If you break character during a scenario, you will get a warning for FailRP, regardless of any rule break you may have encountered.

  • Do not verbally break character. If you absolutely must express something to those around you in an out-of-character manner, move away from anyone that might be around.

Staff in game

  • Request staff with /report for rule-breaking or assistance with a bug. DO NOT use /report if the problem can be solved in RP or with Police assistance. If you are in a scene, wait until the scene is over before using /report. 

  • If an admin speaks to you in an admin capacity during a scene the situation is now OOC and you need to listen and comply with their directions.

  • Admin's instructions are not requests or suggestions. Comply with these instructions.

  • If an admin stops a scene, the scene is now over. Both sides of the situation that required administrative intervention need to cease immediately and separate. Both sides will need to wait and give their side of the scene respectfully.

  • If you feel that a staff member has overstepped his/her bounds, you may open a ticket with the appropriate evidence and request that senior staff review it. Arguing with staff in game is not tolerated. 

  • Staff are allowed to RP just like everyone else. If you see a staff member do not approach them and discuss OOC issues. Use the /report system or open a ticket in Discord.

  • Impersonation of staff is not allowed and any persons discovered doing so will be immediately banned from the community.

Abuse of social media

  • Do not use twitter to post obscenity or to Fail RP such as advertising crime. This does not mean you can not find yourself a hostage or use it to find people you are looking for.

  • Racist, homophobic, sexist, bigoted or OOC posts are not allowed. 


  • Mayor is responsible for business meetings. This includes setting business meetings, setting business taxes and checking to see if they are running, need assistance or need to be closed. Staff can revoke player-owned businesses if they are found in violation of server rules or if they are inactive; workers not present.

  • If you are a Business Owner and you are caught and convicted of doing illegal activities, you can lose your license & business. This will be decided between Government, Law Enforcement and DoJ.

  • If you employ a person into your business, hire them through your boss menu.

Job guidelines

  • There are a few restrictions on how many and which jobs one person can hold. General limit for jobs is seven (7), meaning how many jobsets you should consider the maximum for one person to hold. Other restrictions are stated below. Please note if you accept more than 7 jobs one will be deleted from your multijob. Ensure you think of this before taking on a whitelisted job.

  • Whitelisted Government roles: Lawmen, Doctors,Department of Corrections, Department of Justice and Mayor only one of these positions can be held by a person at a time. 

  • The number of employees you can have is dependent on the size of the business depending on the size of a business between 4-6 employees(Some businesses might be able to seek an exemption).

Interacting with police

  • Once you are in police custody in the confines of the car on the way to the station and at the station you must comply all the way through. Using glitches or exploits to escape police custody is not allowed; these include emotes to get you out of cell or cuffs. 

  • You have the right to a lawyer. If one is not in the city you will be charged with no reductions and have 1 week to appeal. Should you have a successful appeal the courts will decide on appropriate compensation.

  • Corruption is limited to accepting bribes, You can not commit grand larceny from any government ledger. Only lower ranking officers can do this. Lieutenants and above are not corruptible. 

  • Robbing police should be initiated with RP and requires a valid RP reason. You can't just kill them so you can rob them. Do not pocket wipe a police officer. Leave them with food and water. 

RP with doctors and EMS

  • Take advantage of the /me command to display your injuries to a doctor.

  • Be sure to let the doctor know what is wrong so they may treat you.

  •  Avoiding RP when a doctor shows up is considered FailRP.

  • You need to be a pretty toxic person to rob an on duty doctor/EMS. They are there to save lives and help preserve your memory as well as providing another avenue of RP.


  • You can't use /alertdoctor or /alertpolice to bait doctors or police to your location. These commands are there to help these roles locate you, not to assist you in criminal acts. If this is abused you will be banned.


  • You may not force someone to permanently kill their character.

  • Perma-kill/Perma death is allowed with both parties consent. A ticket will need to be raised in discord so that players belongings can be removed.

  • Do not harm your hostage if demands are met and the victim is compliant.

Power gaming, Fail RP, Combat logging

  • You may not use in-game mechanics to place yourself in a situation where you cannot lose.

  • You get to decide if you lose a limb after combat/torture. A doctor can surgically reattach limbs.

  • You may not use /me commands to force anyone into RP you can’t physically do in the game.

  • VoiceID: You can't identify someone who is wearing a mask by their voice.

  • Passing money, drugs, or weapons to someone through a wall is FailRP.

  • Do not engage in combat or robbery if someone is obviously in a menu.

  • Abusing game mechanics and animations to escape capture, robbery or combat is a bannable offense.

  • RP your injuries. 

  • You can not have a police character as well as a criminal character as this is too easily abused. Staff can allow for petty crooks but not gang leaders.

  • You may not, under any circumstance, quit the game to avoid interaction with other players or to prevent the loss of items.

  • Logging out during an active combat scene, even if you are injured, is considered combat logging

  • You can not take the light, call a doctor into the middle of an active RP scene like a shoot out. You can be carried away and from there call in an EMS.

New Life Rule known as NLR No Value for life NVL

  • If you respawn you don't remember the last 30 minutes before you died.

  • If a doctor revives you, you can remember up to the point of being unconscious but your memory will be hazy.

  • You cannot remember anything that happens while you are unconscious. 

  • Do not respawn while in an active RP scenario. Wait for it to end, then you may respawn.

  • If you get carried away and are revived you may not go back to that combat RP scene. Leave the area/ retreat to keep your compound safe, until the current scenario has ended and people have moved on. This includes Police.

  • You must fear for your life when you are threatened with weapons or violence. If 3 or more people have you surrounded you must comply with their demands. 1v1 you have the right to take them on.

  • If a group has a hostage, the hostage's life must be valued above all else. No use of force can be used at all unless negotiations fail and the hostage will be killed or harmed. This includes police and gangs.

RDM and Rules of engagement 

  • You may not shoot, grievously injure or harm someone unless you have given them fair warning in RP.

  • A fair warning can be in the verbal form, warning shots are NOT a fair warning.

  • As the initiating party, it is your responsibility to make sure that your voice can be heard (using F11).

  • Please consider a target may not have heard your voice if they are at distance

  • Sniping or shooting someone from afar is not allowed, unless groups are in combat.

  • Shooting on sight for trespassing is not allowed unless you are in an active gang war and they have entered your property, this is RDM

  • Players may not assist law.

  • Players may not involve themselves in any conflict they are not a part of, unless they are Police or Doctor. Doctors should wait until PVP has ended before involving themselves. Exceptions to this would be if the ambulance blocks them from the fight but in this case the body should be moved away from the scene. If a paramedic is shot in the crossfire this is not considered a targeted attack.

Pemently killing you character

  • If you permanently kill off your character. This can't be undone. You should be sure of your choice as they and all their stuff will be deleted from the database.

  • Your character can enter witness protection. In this case you will need to agree with a judge/PD on what you can keep entering witness protection.

Meta gaming

  • You may not use information acquired outside the server to your character's advantage.  [Ex: through streams, discord, or voice chats]

  • You may not use 3rd Party communication such as Discord Voice Chat during any roleplay scenario. You must be deafened while in active RP. Not adhering to this rule constitutes metagaming.

  • Proximity has no bearing on previous rules. If you are in the audible range of others, anything you say should be audible to others.

  • Character Sharing (using the knowledge or transferring items from one of your characters to another) is considered meta-gaming and not allowed.

  • You may not use the information gained from handing items, billing, or healing in RP unless your character knew this information previously.

RP terms and definitions 

  • Metagaming: Using information obtained while not in character as in character knowledge.

  • RDM: Random Death Match. Killing (Grievously Injuring) on sight or without any RP. 

  • VDM: Vehicle DeathMatch. Killing people with a vehicle without any RP.

  • Value of Life / Fear RP: Your character should have value of life, and should be fearful of dying. React appropriately to the situation, and recognize that a single person probably will not outgun five attackers. Likewise, one person will not outgun and outrun three officers. 

  • Combat Logging: Logging out shortly after combat, criminal activity, or severe injury is initiated. If you are involved in any of the previously mentioned activities and you need to leave, or lose connection and do not connect with authorities via Discord your character will be taken into custody. 

  • Fail-RP: Not roleplaying out injuries, pain, fear, and impairment if you’re actively in a scenario. Fail RP can lead to you being kicked or banned, 

  • Low-Quality / Low Effort RP: You should be putting effort into your roleplay. Cop baiting, Creating a troll character, and being shot but claiming it was something small when the doctor arrives will lead to a kick or ban. 

  • New Life Rule: When your character "dies" (Read as: is seriously injured) & respawns the previous half hour of memories are lost. If picked up by a Doctor your character retains their memories, though details will be fuzzy. 

  • Revenge RP: Immediately hunting down someone who injured your character is considered Revenge RP and is not allowed. Give the situation time to build, before taking action. 

  • Permadeath: Permadeath is the act of killing off a character permanently. You cannot force a character's death on a player.


  • Tornado/Storm: This term is used to communicate about server restarts.

  • Headache: Used to communicate about crashes or required restarts.

  • Dropping The Accent: Going out of character - This May Only Be Used In Privacy; Not In A Street Or Store.

  • In My Head/I need to go think: Used when going AFK or when distracted by your IRL surroundings; to explain a distraction. Keep it appropriate for what is around you. Please use commonsense.

  • Flex: Used when helping someone figure out what key bind they need to use. “Flex your F muscle to get in the car”

  • Emails / Newspaper: Discord. Discord has Leaflets or Pages for more direction.

  • Twitch In Eye: Indicating streaming.

  • Lucky, Favorite or Magic Number: Player ID Number (This changes every log in and is located in the bottom right hand corner of your pockets.)

  • In My Eyes: Not everyone sees the same thing all the time, there may be instances where things happen that require verification from others that it wasn't just client side, You can use the term Eyes to say what you may have seen.

  • Catch In My Throat / Sore Throat: An issue with your microphone.
    Mud  In My Ears / Clear Out My Ears:
    An issue with your headphones.
    In The Sky: Writing in local or global chats.

Server rules
