HEX RP Gang rules

Getting Started:

Gang Application

To have a gang whitelisted in the server, the leader must fill out a gang application. These will be reviewed by City Staff members. Once the application has been accepted, the 7-day probationary period will begin and a ticket will be opened for any MLO’s, clothing, or any questions you may have about gang activity in the server that can be answered. 

7-Day Probationary Period:

Once your gang whitelist application has been accepted, there is a 7-Day probationary period before you will have access to anything gang related in the city. This is to give staff time to sort through any MLO’s or clothing packs that your gang is looking to have imported. During this wait period, we recommend you set up meetings with other gangs to sort out any issues with territory for when your MLO is to be put in the city. This also gives you and your gang members time to learn how things in the city work, meeting other gangs and seeing how they operate, and gives you time to build up your funds for when you purchase property. 


  • All Gangs must have a minimum of 5 active members. 

  • All gangs are to provide a full roster to include the following on each of their members:

    • Character Name

    • Rank

    • Discord Name

  • All rosters are to be kept up to date. 

Gang Rules:

Gang Activity

  • Robbing

    • All replaceable items can be robbed from individuals with the following exceptions:

      • EMS personnel cannot be robbed while responding to an active call or in a green zone. 

      • When robbing EMS, do not take the med-bag. You may take the items out of the med-bag but you cannot take the bag itself. 

      • You may rob the ambulances. (Do not bait them out). 

      • You can take some food and water, but do not take it all. 

  • Cop / EMS Baiting

    • Cop baiting is not allowed! This includes firing a weapon for no reason.

    • EMS baiting is not allowed! This includes calling EMS to a call when there is no need for medical attention.

  • Spraying

    • You may actively spray / remove tags from any zone. However, the gang that the zone belongs to is allowed to initiate contact for doing so. If you are the opposing gang that is going to press someone spraying in your area, you are not to just roll up and shoot them unless there is an active war initiated already. There needs to be an interaction from both parties. 

Standard Rules

  • Random DeathMatch (RDM)

    • Randomly killing someone with none to very little interaction is against server rules. This is an RP server, it is not GTA Online or a 100k Or Die server. There needs to be proper interaction before killing someone. 

  • Vehicle DeathMatch (VDM)

    • Randomly running someone over is against server rules. Do not use your vehicle to plow through the city. There is no RP to this and can result in a gang strike or even a ban.

  • Metagaming

    • Using outside information to benefit your character is not allowed. Please refrain from using Discord in an active RP scenario. You cannot be using information you find out Out of the City, for your In City benefit / knowledge. 

  • New Life Rule (NLR)

    • When your character "dies" (Read as: is seriously injured) & respawns the previous half hour of memories are lost. If picked up by a Doctor your character retains their memories, though details will be fuzzy. 

Gang Wars / Alliances

  • Attacks and Turf

    • Gang wars must stay in your turf or on the opposing gang’s turf. You can have random interactions / conflict outside of the turf but anything war related must stay on the affiliated gang’s turf. 

    • LEO/EMS will not be required to respond in an active gang war / shootout. 

  • Starting a War:

    • Wars must be started by the leaders of each gang and be done through the gang menu at all times. Both leaders must agree on whether the war is good for “shooting on sight” or if there still needs to be an interaction between parties. 

    • Gangs are not required to accept wars, but must have a good reason otherwise this will be considered a submission and could result in a territory loss to the opposing gang. With that said, the gang that is requesting to go to war,  must also have something crucial RP wise to initiate it in the first place. 

    • Once a war is declared, there is a 30 Minute wait period before the war can begin. This gives both gangs the time they need to get ready. 

    • A war is to last up to 1 week. If both groups agree to it, they can extend the war 48– Hours at a time but must pay a city fee of $00,000 ($00,000 each). 

    • During the war, if you see the light you must wait 30 minutes before engaging in the war again. To protect from being unintentionally brought back into the war before the cooldown is over, you must remove your colors and stay away from any scene the war is taking place in.

  • Alliances

    • Each gang may introduce 1 ally to join in on the war, with the exception of an additional ally acting as a third party protection. 

    • The original ally may engage in the war and actively shoot the opposing gang, they also must follow the same rules as the primary group and must be made known to the opposing group’s leader before the war declares. 

    • The secondary ally is to remain at the gang’s compound and act as protection for those who are wounded / taken out of the current scene or need to go “in head”, etc. The secondary ally is not to engage in any of the shootout scenes, but may use force for protection if the compound is compromised by the opposing gang. 

    • Each ally group must all be members of one gang. You cannot have an ally group of different gang members. 

Gang Penalization / Offenses

  • First Offense

    • Gangs will receive a written warning of a rule break violation. This pertains to any and all city violations. 

  • Second Offense

    • Strike ONE

      • No action taken, other than receiving the first strike in the system.

  • Third Offense

    • Strike TWO

      • Gang Suspension for 7-14 Days

        • A gang suspension/disbandment can be issued at any time by HEX Staff. During a suspension, your gang is no longer allowed to affiliate with one another on a gang level for a duration of 7 Days or up to 2 weeks. During this suspension, the following applies: 

          • No gang activity of any kind.

          • No gang colors or representation, including vehicles/bikes/face masks.

          • No gang affiliation of any kind, including posts about your gang on squawk, etc.  

  • Fourth Offense

    • Strike FOUR

      • Gang Disbandment.

All strikes will reset to the First Offense after 30 days. If no other disciplinary is received after 45 days,  they will reset back to a warning level. 


  • Be Creative

    • Gangs are not all about running around and shooting each other so please do not feel that every gang has to be hostile and cause problems, be original and creative. 

    • This is to ensure that new gangs coming in here are for quality RP and provide solid content and involvement in the community. During your 7-day probationary period, we are looking to see you provide quality roleplay for the server. Don’t go around stirring the pot with every gang in the server. This does not provide quality RP and could result in your gang application being withdrawn.

    • If your application is withdrawn, you may re-apply within 14 -days and will undergo the 7-day probationary period again once accepted.  

  • Special Considerations:

    • If someone is wearing your colors/pieces of your specialized gang look and they are minding their own business or hanging out somewhere other than your turf, you should NOT engage with them in a negative manner. 

    • This could have an effect on people, especially newer players who may not know what they can and cannot wear. Simply give them a warning to change their clothing.

    • If they are caught again, you may engage with them. Please be creative with this and don’t just go shooting with no interaction. 

    • You ARE allowed to press someone if they are intentionally imitating your gang to give you a bad reputation. 

    • There must be some sort of initiation with the person that is imitating your gang. If they are purposely dressed as one of your members and are antagonizing you, you may engage. 

  • HEX City Rules

    • Please be sure to familiarize yourself and your gang members with the HEX RP rules

    • Each gang and its members are required to read and understand the HEX RP Rules as well as the HEX Gang Rules.

    • The leader of each gang is responsible for the actions of all of their members. If one member breaks a rule, it runs the risk of giving the entire gang a strike.